Sunday, September 22, 2013

The First 100

I was outside at 8:30 a.m. I quit for the day around 6 p.m. In all those hours, I managed to accomplish this.
In fairness, all those bricks you see along the left perimeter? I had to mortar those. TWO rows deep. That took the bulk of the time. I also had to chip both along the house's cinder block and along the patio surface to get rid of some wayward patches that would have thrown things off kilter otherwise.

In all, it was progress. But when you look at the bigger picture, it sure doesn't seem like I got very far at all.
That's it? Really? And I worked ALL DAY?! Yeah. The good news is that this week's weather is supposed to be awesome. The bad news is that I may -- or may not -- be able to take vacation Thursday and Friday as I planned. Cross your fingers. I'm anxious to get back on the job and make some REAL progress! Here's hoping.


Jayne said...

That's a good start! Here's hoping you get your vacation days and have good weather for brick-laying.

Karen Anne said...

That seems like a lot of work accomplished. Your faithful readers :-) know how long it takes to get stuff done.

MonkeyGirl said...

I'll take the rain here so you can have the nice weather to finish your project!

StuccoHouse said...

Ha, I put in a brick platform for my grill this summer. It was maybe 4'x5' and it took me three full weekends. I feel your pain. Although there is something super exciting about a concrete truck.