Thursday, August 2, 2012

Letting Go

I never did hear anything from the people who have/had Wego. Why would you post something to find a home for an animal and then never bother to respond to someone?

It's cruel. It's rude. But that's the way it is. Let's just say the next time I see something with that group's name, I'll likely ignore it.

I'm sure it won't be the last time I'm disappointed in the search for a furbaby. The truth of the matter is that I probably am not ready for a dog this second anyway. The mother has been sick and the house is chaotic with all the things that need to be done. The bottom line: I've got time. If it happens this year, great. If not, that's OK, too.

The most important thing though is that my heart is completely open to the idea. And the truth there is I don't think that it has been. Every time I look at this blog, there is Ozzie in the right-hand sidebar. If you weren't a regular reader of the blog or someone who knows me outside of it, you'd never have imagined that Ozzie wasn't alive. In all these months, I've never changed it. I did for Tigger when we lost him a few years ago. But for Oz, I did not.

I changed that last night. It was painful. It was difficult. But, it was right. 


kaypasa2001 said...

Devil's advocate here ... if Wego has already been adopted, and it broke their hearts to have to give him up, they might not feel like answering further inquiries. They need a form letter or something, yes, but if they don't have one, it might just be that they're ignoring your email because it makes them sad.

Vicki said...

Sigh, prompt communication is something that is slowly dying. I know I'm not always perfect about responding to someone quickly, but I have been affected by it several times recently and it has firmed my resolve that, even if it's not good news or something I want to say, I need to just go ahead and respond. Anyway, now that your heart is open you'll be ready when the right little doggie comes along. :)

Karen Anne said...

I went looking for that shelter, out of curiosity, googling on your original quote. They have a facebook page which is pretty near to abandoned, and another person has posted there asking about Wego and gotten no response.