Monday, February 22, 2010


One of the greatest things about doing a DIY project are those rarest of rare occasions when you find exactly what you are looking for at a good price and in a way that ultimately means less work for you in the long run. Sometimes you can get one or the other of these. Almost never do you find something that does both.

That happened Saturday though as I walked the aisles of Vanity World at Lowe’s.

I had just finished documenting The Contenders and was back-tracking up an aisle I’d missed on the first go-round when BAM! Out pops this little gem.

It’s a stark contrast to the fancy schmansy stuff we’ve been looking at to be sure, but … the men’s room is both narrower and shorter than the ladies’ room so the standard 18x16 cannot be deviated from. I’d already set my sights on a standard white model that was $68.

I consoled myself with the fact that I could always spruce it up with a little beadboard and the mother could give it some black accents as the room is going to have a black and white theme. And, it’s the men’s room. (No offense, guys, but most of you just aren’t as likely to notice the vanity anyway, unlike your female counterparts nextdoor.)

Besides, there will be lots of other things to see in there with the wallpaper and some knick-knacks, etc.

So, I don’t need to add beadboard – it’s already there. Translation: Less work! And … it’s $58 – a whole $10 cheaper than the other one. That means we’ve gone from $98 to $58.



karen said...

I love it.And the price it right.

happileah said...

It's like it was custom made for you-That's really cool! I love it when that happens :)

NV said...

Karen, Leah -- It was born of misfortune. If I hadn't had to go to the store to see what else there was for the ladies' room, I might not have found this and been stuck with something that cost most and meant more work. So, things NOT going as planned isn't always bad! :-)