Saturday, January 23, 2010

Inside the House of Plenty

I promised a look inside my family's new historic restaurant yesterday and would gladly have done it last night but I was only home from work last night long enough to dump my stuff and head right back out the door.

The mother and I went on a four-hour shopping expedition and came home with a trunkful of décor items for the new restaurant. It’s pretty but it needs some help. Here are some before shots and a few more architectural details.

I really love the upstairs windows – both outside AND in. This is in "the ship room," an upstairs bedroom turned into another dining room.

This fan has a gorgeous medallion and it has exposed brick walls. I would have shot the room itself but it had several diners in it at the time and I didn’t want to be rude. This is the "big" dining room. Unlike the two smaller rooms downstairs, it doesn't have a name. Just like in the "Timothy" room with the fan, the big dining room's main light has a pretty medallion, too. When you first walk in, there's an area off to the left with more seating and some more exposed brick. (There's also some hokey looking faux stained glass panels in the ceiling. Those will be going.) Between the door and this section, there is also a cool, old cookstove.

There are some very nice features, but the place is in for a few changes. So, consider these some of the "befores."


Vicki said...

Wow, what a beautiful building, inside and out!

Victoria said...

they just dont make things the way they used to.

Those medallions are killer, I can feel my eyes turning green!

Kate R said...

Hmmm, I may have to make a road trip this spring or summer.

NV said...

Vicki -- Thanks! And it's going to get prettier still as it gets brought back to its glory days.

Victoria -- No, they sure don't. And do I hear ya. I was like "Aw, man, LOOK at those!" :-)

Kate -- C'mon ahead. Gimme a head's up!!!

NV said...

Vicki -- Thanks! And it's going to get prettier still as it gets brought back to its glory days.

Victoria -- No, they sure don't. And do I hear ya. I was like "Aw, man, LOOK at those!" :-)

Kate -- C'mon ahead. Gimme a head's up!!!