Thursday, October 16, 2008

Changing of the Guard

I think summer has officially left the building. It’s a brisk morning, under 50 degrees, and we’re only getting up to 60 today. 6-0 – that’s it for a high. If we're lucky, we'll get two weeks of autumn before winter blows through.

The weather calls for dry conditions at least through the first half of next week, so that will hopefully be enough to wrap up outdoor activities. Believe it or not, there are still a few things to get done.

The mother is busy with Christmas planning. (She shops for the holidays year-round. Usually by now, she is nearly finished wrapping.) I figure we’ve still got more than two months, so I’m not worried. (I saw some counter that said it's like 77 or 78 days. Man, that's a little too close.) But, the little pulsing bundle of nervous energy that is mother has managed to produce a list from some catalogs as well as identifying a short list of things that have to be picked up in a store.

She already made one round of these trips earlier in the week. That netted an Indiana Jones electronic whip for my cousin's oldest. It makes cracking noises and plays the movie theme when you push a button. Ozzie wants to get a hold of it in the worst way, too!

So, tonight's agenda includes holiday shopping and a trip to Hardware Heaven. (Of course. It's nearly the weekend.) It should be fun. *serious eye roll*


Vicki said...

I can't imagine shopping for Christmas...but I'm wanting to do homemade this year, so I better get going!

MonkeyGirl said...

Since I am the world's greatest procrastinator, I can't even start to think about holiday shopping until somewhere around the 21st of December. I guess I really do work better under pressure!

Ann said...

OMG you said the "C" word + shopping. I just fainted a little...

NV said...

I know, but the mother gets it all done usually by August. By Halloween, she is all wrapped or wrapping. (Literally, as in wrapping presents!) Kills me.