Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat?

Must. Stop. Eating. Candy.

It was a perfectly GLORIOUS day outside, so it should be a beautiful evening. Can’t wait to see how many trick-or-treaters we’ll get. (Historically, 10-20, which shocked us. In our old neighborhood, it was more like 80!)

It should also be interesting to see how both Toby and Ozzie react. (Ozzie hates when people come to the door; Toby is generally afraid of EVERYTHING. He will likely spend the evening hiding.)

And so, I'm off to see what the evening holds ...


Jayne said...

Last year I expected 20 or so trick-or-treaters. Good thing I bought lots of candy, because we had almost 200 before the candy ran out! That was a nightmare with the cats trying to run out of the house, the dog barking his head off, and 15-year-olds panhandling for candy. (Sorry, no costume, no candy.) So this year I turned all the lights off and hid in the back part of the house. Ahhhh, peace and quiet.

Anonymous said...

We got you did better.

NV said...

We ended up with seven. And lots of candy left. DAMN! This is gonna be tough.