Sunday, September 6, 2009


Yes, that would describe me. Yesterday, I didn't even get out of my pajamas. Me. Can you imagine?! I'm finding that inactivity breeds inactivity. The less I do, the more I want to do less. That's not such a good thing.

Today, I slept in and besides doing some running to get things for the house and taking care of the animals, I've done nothing. Nothing.

I'm about to change that though. I'll be going in shortly to finish grouting the bathroom. I'm gritting my teeth as I type this. Hoping it won't be that bad. This time, I'll be ready though with a better plan, an extra sponge and lots more water at the ready.


kaypasa2001 said...

Grit for grout.

You know, I studied for YEARS on how to do ceramic tiling, but at the crucial moment chickened out and went with laminate. I can't believe you did those teeny tiles and black grout on your first try. And yes, it looks terrific.

MonkeyGirl said...

I think Saturday was a nationwide sloth day. I did change my clothes but other than that I accomplished absolutely nothing all day long. It was kind of nice! And honestly, you deserve a sloth day here and there!

Anonymous said...

I going to second that, I did very little and having the nephews birthday party was the perfect excuse.

Working non-stop takes its toll and the body simply says no more you need to rest.


sewwhat? said...

I agree! I get tired just reading your list of things you want to accomplish! You deserve a sloth day now and then!

NV said...

kayo -- Love the new handle. Yeah, I'm a glutton for punishment but baptism by fire is usually a quick teacher! I'm still thinking the 12x12s will seem that much easier now when I get to the kitchen.

MG -- Thanks! I know you've been in need of a breather, too.

Michele -- Well, all work and no play ... and we can't have that! :-)

sewwhat -- I get tired reading my lists, too! But, I stand by my theory that inactivity breeds inactivity so I can't stay that way for too long.