Tuesday, April 14, 2009

11 Tasks for April

IF the sun ever decides to show its cowardly face again, and IF Spring will sprout some cajones and FINALLY kick Ole Man Winter to the curb, maybe, just maybe I can say the word vacation in a serious tone of voice.

Remember that stroke of genius I had alluded to yesterday, the one that would immediately resolve my footwear dilemma? Well, be careful what you wish for.

I thought that since I wasn’t doing a lot of profitable projects at work, that this might be a good time to schedule a few days off. (Especially since I just discovered yesterday that I now qualify for FOUR FULL WEEKS! I didn’t think that happened until next year.) And I thought that being at home, the flipflop would be great. AND it’s supposed to be beautiful the next few days, disappearing just in time for the weekend to roll around again. So I thought I could work as much or as little as my toe will allow.

And maybe I could even finish the shed. Wouldn’t that be grand?!

But a project fell from the sky and landed squarely in my lap. It’s not something I would have hoped for, but work is work. (I guess, moving forward, I need to be more specific when wishing.) Between that work, and some live wires on another project I really do enjoy, things picked up. So, vacation time is postponed. That’s definitely not a bad thing; it’s just that I kind of had myself set in vacation mode. (Except for a couple sick days back in January, I’ve not taken any time off this year yet.) I looked at the rising unemployment numbers though and quickly got over it.

While checking the 10-day forecast at Weather.com to see if waiting until next week made sense, I happened upon this home maintenance checklist of tasks for April. I thought about half of them made good sense. I wasn’t sure why exactly April was the best month for others.

But, you can judge for yourself.

1 comment:

MonkeyGirl said...

I guess you have excess ice cubes in April since it isn't extremely warm yet? I'm sure that is one of those "once a quarter" type tasks that just keep reappearing on the list.