Thursday, March 19, 2009

Inside and Out

Remember this post? I got to go there for lunch today!

I’ve never been inside. It’s gorgeous inside, too, but I didn’t get to take my camera though. My big boss took some colleagues and I there to dine, so probably not the best circumstances under which to get touristy. It’s filled with a combination of Tudor and Victorian architectural features. Marble, archways, wooden panel walls, elaborate fireplace mantels, ball and claw base tables… and that’s just the start.

Suffice it to say that the interior of this building and the lunch were both quite impressive.
I think I surprised my boss with my knowledge of the history of the building. He went all tour guide and pointed out some really cool art pieces the building is now home to.

This reminded me that I still have some historic buildings to highlight. I thought I’d done more already, but apparently not. In fact, I haven’t even done one this year. The problem is that they take some time to do, at least to do them properly. I really do enjoy doing them though, so I’ll get to one soon.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Wow. Wish you could've taken some pics, but I understand why you didn't.