Friday, March 20, 2009

It's a Spring Thing

There’s a crescent moon perched high in the sky yet the birds are chirping with such a ferocity – even in the pre-dawn light – that it can mean only one thing: spring is here!

Ole Man Winter is going out kicking and screaming, having taken us down into the 30s overnight. I had to drag out earwraps and gloves again. Here’s hoping that we’re finished with those days for now.

With the arrival of spring, I think the first outdoor project for the year has been identified: Pimp My Shed, Part 2. Remember how I did the back of the shed last year? Well, looks like I’ll be finishing the front (which I put a board on each side on last year) and doing both sides to finish things up.

The front will require some angle cuts because it slopes, but the sides are straight. I wonder if it’s possible to get two boards from one cut as it’s not very tall. Hmmm … need to get the ole tape measure out. And need to get the boards and screws to do this job this weekend as I’ve got a Home Depot offer that’s about to expire. They’re not nearly as generous as Lowe’s in extending those, so I can’t let it go to waste.

I won’t be able to start the job this weekend though. No. It’s going to rain – and they’re already forecasting rain for several days thereafter, including the possibility of severe weather on Tuesday. But, at least I’m planning again. That’s always the first step, right? And I’ve got 20 days of time off to schedule this year …

Let’s get this party started!


Mama Martha said...

Gotta love that enthusiasm! Have fun planning, I'll be watching the Twilight DVD.

MonkeyGirl said...

Apparently it is bathroom time in our neighborhood. Ours needs to be done. Dr Evil did his a few months ago and T is working on his tonight. Considering there are only 4 houses on my street, it must be the age of the houses!

Vicki said...

Lawrence! Lawrence! Lawrence!