Monday, October 12, 2009

It's SO Monday

The bus driver just asked us – the lone three passengers on this dreary banking holiday – which bridge we’re supposed to cross. Um, which one of us is driving the bus? Scaaaaary.

That query is due to two factors. First, this is a driver who does not drive this route regularly. (In fact, I’ve never seen her before.) Second, today is the first day of closure for the MLK Bridge. Because drunks and speeders can’t manage to not kill themselves and/or others on that bridge, the state has seen fit to CLOSE a lane of traffic. While they do that, the bridge itself will be closed for at least the next 12 days.

Lovely as this forever alters my commute. Getting to work will now be quite interesting.
While we’re supposed to be taking my beloved McKinley Bridge, something I don’t know why they don’t do anyway, Interstate 70 is apparently jammed there today so it’s pretty much a crapshoot as to how we’ll get there. Or if we’ll get there.

So, if you don’t see any more posts for a while, start looking for the big green bus that is either stuck in traffic or driving around aimlessly. Chances are good I’ll be on it.


Mama Martha said...

Hope you made it to work, or even better, back home for the day!

MonkeyGirl said...

Yikes! I would be concerned wen the driver asks you which way to go. ALthough I trust in your superior navigation skills - you will get there - eventually!

happileah said...

Sorry, but I had to laugh about the driver asking YOU which bridge to cross! Good luck with your commute, today :)

Victoria said...

I would have offered to drive too, Why not? Half the job is knowing where your going.

Too funny!

karen said...

Tell that driver to get a GPS. I will never go on a road trip without one again. Of course with the road closed the GPS would do no good. LOL! Stay safe.

Kris said...

NV - you kill me! Someone is driving your bus and doesn't know where to go? I'd be pulling the string, screaming to get off. We don't have "public transportation" in my town, so to speak - but I remember the days living out East riding the bus, the train, taking a taxi. No need for a vehicle - unless you have a Pearl. Hope you made it to work and back ok!

NV said...

Am making it both to and from work each day, though sometimes it doesn’t seem by much. Last night’s return trip was dreadful, but only for FIVE BLOCKS. Unbelievable how long you can just sit in traffic and then, five blocks later, there is suddenly nothing in your way. Between the rain and bridge closure, people are being real idiots.