The upgrade of the kitchen door, however, is.
It is the ONE project on my list of to-dos for yesterday that actually got done. In a nutshell, I took this ultra plain, ordinary door. And I souped it up!

It was actually the mother's idea to use some of the birch panel we had left from the cabinets to put in the middle panel. There was just one problem: the largest piece of the leftovers was about 3 inches short.
We were ready to abandon the idea when I had an epiphany. What if we trimmed it out using the small egg molding that will eventually top the kitchen backsplash and accent the existing molding in the bathroom?
I put a piece of it up temporarily and looked at it. Hmmm ... this could work. So I added a few pieces of trim to Sunday's shopping trip. (The extra fun part: I got to use Pearl's "secret" compartment that lets you run items from inside the trunk through the back seat and into the car. Yet another reason to just ADORE that car! Note: cooler people than me use this hole in the backseat to haul skis, something Pearl never has to worry about on my behalf.)
Anyway, I spent part of the afternoon mitreing trim, but there was another problem: Even with the trim, there was still between a 1/4 and a 1/2-inch gap both top and bottom. DAMMIT!
But ... I still had a little of the pine strips I'd used to finish out the inside of the cabinet doors. I added a piece to the trim top and bottom and VOILA! It worked. It looks merely like a planned-out feature of the trim. Mind you, it all still needs to be painted, but I think the finished product is lookin' good.

What a great idea. A custom door and you got to use up what might have been waste. Win/Win!
Thanks, Why! i'm pretty happy with the end result.
You are very crafty and determined. I've been reading about your saga through Best Posts of the Week. Normally, I would not mention this in a comment, but I think you might be interested because of your house saga: I'm hosting a giveaway for a 1 year free subscription to Dwell magazine. They are a residential architecture and design magazine. Anyway you might like them for ideas. Check it out if you are interested (the link is on Best Posts of the Week). Otherwise, keep up the good work!
Excellent job! Very crafty/clever! I wouldn't have thought of that.
Cute! I like it.
How clever- it looks so good and of course no one else has one just like it.
Thanks for all the great comments and kind words. To borrow from the Bartles and Jaymes' playbook: "Thank you for your support."
What a great idea! And it looks fabulous!
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