Sunday, July 26, 2009

On the Sixth Day

She rested. She didn't even blog.

She slept. A lot. And the she shopped. Some. These were not her original plans. There was no progress on the bathroom. Or anywhere else.

She was easily swayed by the mother.

So, on the seventh day, she is prepared to work her a** off.


Jean Martha said...

Ohhhh downtime. Bliss.

Back to work? Boo!

Why S? said...

If God's gotta do it, I guess you do too, at least every once in a while.

Vicki said...

I'll be with you next week, painting some rooms in our house! I'll need to draw on some of your DIY prowess so rest up this week :)

Jayne said...

Rest is good. I'm sure you'll work like a maniac tomorrow! :)

NV said...

JeanMartha -- OH yeah!

Why -- Kinda my theory, too. :-)

V -- No rest for the weary, but I'll back your DIY efforts however I can.

Jayne -- I did. Don't have a lot to show for it except the yard though. Bidin' my time 'til we make REAL progress!

Ty'sMommy said...

You are too funny. You have been SOOO busy lately, I've barely been able to comment on your posts! You deserve a break!

NV said...

Ty'smommy -- It was definitely good to sleep and sleep and sleep!